Saturday, 3 October 2015

Two 14 Year Old Kids Have Started A Business And Their Slogan Is Hilarious

Am sure after reading this, you were like aww, how creative of them, with such great entrepreneurial skill. 
Two 14 year old kids posted this ad for their new yard work business on reddit and it has gone viral, having a whooping 1.3million views. Why?

It was posted with a brief description that read 'the neighbors kids have started a business'. But that's not why everyone is reading this. Check out their slogan again
''Two men and a hoe'. At your service. *wink* 
Now you get it! Lol 
Although a hoe is a working tool but it is also used to describe a prostitute, and this gives this ad a naughtier meaning. 

The majority of web-users seem impressed by their wit and willingness to work.
One wrote: "When they grow up they will change the world! Or at least the yard!"
Another said: "I'd give them a job if I didn't need anything doing, good on them."
"Heh. I like the cut of their jib," wrote one Reddit-user.
One person wrote: "People are trying to stay serious but the name '2 men and a hoe' is just too damn creative."
Another added: "they knew exactly what they were doing."
A handful of people joined in with the irreverent humour, with one writing: "Good to see my ex got a job."
However, some were less enamoured with their "sexist" name.
One wrote: "I know that no woman I'm friends with would employ them for their sexist name."

Funny kids. 

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