Saturday, 3 October 2015

NASA Confirms We Can Buy A House On Mars By 2018, After Finding Water On The Red Planet

Wow! This is amazing news!
NASA has confirmed that by 2018 you can legally buy a home and become a resident of mars. 


These dark, narrow, 100 meter-long streaks called recurring slope lineae flowing downhill on Mars are inferred to have been formed by contemporary flowing water. Recently, planetary scientists detected hydrated salts on these slopes at Hale crater, corroborating their original hypothesis that the streaks are indeed formed by liquid water. The blue color seen upslope of the dark streaks are thought not to be related to their formation, but instead are from the presence of the mineral pyroxene. The image is produced by draping an orthorectified (Infrared-Red-Blue/Green(IRB)) false color image (ESP_030570_1440) on a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the same site produced by High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (University of Arizona). Vertical exaggeration is 1.5.
Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
And the houses wouldn't be too expensive.. 
there will be 2 different options to choose from on life on Mars.
  1. Option 1 is living in Town Based living area just like the above image. This Option would be 10.7 Million USA Currency.
  2. Option 2 is in a private home far away from any towns like the below image. This Option would be 56.8 Million USA Currency.
332028663_2139782338_house_on_mars_xlarge_xlargeour future homes
You cannot become a Resident of Mars if you do not have the following requirements :
  1. You Have To Be Fully Retired Meaning Have No Job Or Job Requirments.
  2. Not Able To Leave Mars For The 1st 6 Months.
  3. Have Not Been In Jail For More Than 1 Year.
  4. Have To Meet Certain Health Requirements.
Food will be delivered to all Mars Residents to there door.

Nasa says construction on Mars will began in 2017
Mars One Concept Art 5PFCmiFLcZ9p_0dAAk4LK8pnbRVaM9mke4-dN1pnOZRc

Very lovely. But children are still hungry on earth o. 

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