Saturday, 3 October 2015

Heidi Klum Gets Naked And Covered In Goo For Halloween

When we think Halloween and the kind of costumes celebs would be wearing, we think of Heidi and her eccentric costumes, after all it is her favorite holiday and she dresses to bring it. 
Yesterday she gave her fans a sneak peak into what her costume would look like this year and it involves goo - a lot of it.

The 42 year old super model shared a photo showing her stripped to her underwear and being covered in grey goo in preparation for the spookie holiday. 
Although she didn't reveal what the end look would be, but its keeping us all waiting. 
She captioned the photo :
“Slime me up @prorenfx #heidihalloween #heidiklumhalloween,.

We can't wait to see her top her 2014 costume. 

Photo credit 

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