Wednesday 10 June 2015

Where Is Man's Heaven?

The question ''where is man's heaven''?, may strike you as odd. As the normal, more general question asked is, ''where is heaven?''.
The myth about heaven has haunted me since I first heard the word, and what it meant or the meaning the people around me ascribed to it. I must have been around five or six years old.

I was told that heaven was above me, high up beyond the clouds and that it was the home of God, the powerful spirit being that created me and all living things on earth, and that place 'heaven' is where we, I mean I , should strive to go to by living a righteous life here on earth. Magical it sounded! What could be better?
Then I got my first push to ask questions.
A neighbor back in my childhood home, bought all the kids in the compound ice cream, when he returned from the US. We all rushed to him to say thanks. Some of the other kids were Muslims. When we got to him, I remember the Muslim kids saying 'thank you, sir', and I said 'thank you sir, God bless you'. He smiled. He asked me the craziest question. 'Where is God?' I happily replied 'up in the sky above the clouds' and he said 'do you know people have been to the moon and back?' A surprised small me said 'the moon? No'
He said 'do you know what they found?'
I shook my head. He said 'an empty vast space that has other planets like earth. And some are even bigger than earth'. I knew something weird happened to me at that point that's why I can never forget it. I couldn't believe it. And he asked again 'where is God?'. That started my journey to asking the right questions and seeking truth out.

As I grew older I started to put little informations together. Like there are billions of earth like planets out there. Then foreign countries started to go to space and non came back reporting a heaven being seen.

And the oddest part about seeing or going to heaven, they say you can only go there after you died. That didn't settle well with me at all. For what?

I read deeper and wider. I opened my mind to diverse knowledge, not just to find out about heaven but to find out about life in itself. But the clearest part in my knowledge quest today, is the myth about heaven.

I just realized that the question 'where is heaven' has been wrong. The right question is 'where is man's heaven?'.

I have read quiet a few holy books and one thing consistent is the fact that, a super spirit being created earth made it good, made sure it was perfect and then created man and put him in it. So why then do we still seek heaven? Why would an all knowing being, take his time to make a place perfect and put man in it and make them work to go back to where he is from? Why didn't he just put man in his own heaven in the first place? That would have saved him time and energy.
Then it dawned on me. There is no other heaven we as humans are going to. We are already in it!!

Where is mans heaven? It is here on earth! Or deeper, it is here in this physical world. All the world we can perceive. Earth, our solar system, our galaxy, this universe as it is, man's heaven. You look surprised. You ask yourself this shit hole we are in is heaven? Well sorry to inform you, but yes! This is man's heaven. And all the shit you see around in it, is the shit man has littered in it, and is waiting for God to come and clean up after us.
Pick up any shit or problem and see if it wasnt caused by man.
We have ruined our heaven. And God isn't gonna open the doors to his for us to come and destroy and be babysitted. Nah nah it ain't happening.
Very few people have realized this and they are living a life that we tag 'heaven on earth'. The life of the filty rich!

We have to return this home, our starting point to everlasting glory, to its original form. That way our minds and body would also return to its original form and then and only then would we see the other parts of heaven that has been laying domant for too long.

Am happy that the time has come. Things are been cranned up, people are been pushed to the corner to realize that man has made too many wrong turns in our minds thereby affecting our surroundings badly. We are gonna learn to clean up after ourselves, by force. And then our heaven would appear before us as it onces was, and we would be in the right form/frame of mind and body to enjoy it forever.

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