Thursday 18 June 2015

Tyra Banks Shares Photo Of Her Raw Face With No Filters

Super model, Tyra Banks,41, shared this photos of her raw face.. This is a bold, brave move from a celeb. I know tons of celebs that would die before they do something like this. But what's there? She still looks young for a 41 year old. 
She writes: 
'You know how people say #no filter but you know there's a freakin' filter on their pic? Or maybe there's a smidge of retouching going on but they're lying and saying it's all raw & real? Well, this morn, I decided to give you a taste of the really real me. I wanted to smooth out my dark circles so badly!!! But I was like, "Naw, Ty. Show 'em the real you. I am. Raw. And there you are...looking at me, studying this picture. Maybe you're thinking, "Whoa, she looks rough." And if you are, great! You deserve to see the real me. The really real me. #RawAndReal' 

The make up even makes a her look older. 

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