Friday 12 June 2015

Oh No! President Buhari Refers To Germany As West Germany And The Chancellor As President Michelle!

Oh my! This happened at the press briefing that held yesterday in Abuja, after the Lake Chad commission meeting. President Buhari mistakenly referred to the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel as President Michelle, and Germany as west Germany. What he said below.

"I was personally invited by G7. I went there and I was asked to brief the G7 and I was impressed with the tremendous sympathy they have for this sub-region, the Lake Chad Basin Commission. Their humanitarian approach to the issue to say the least is very very impressive and all of them, not only in Europe; from President Obama to the Chairman of G7 President Michelle of West Germany and french President. They are all willing to help us" he said.
Well Nigerians did not hold back at all. Their tweets ..... 

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