Tuesday 26 May 2015

Oh No! Johnny Depp May Face Up To Ten Years In Jail For A Ridiculous Reason

Not my Johnny Depp o! It can't happen. Because he took his dogs to Australia, now they are talking plenty. 
Don't worry Johnny, if you are disturbed too much, come to Nigeria. I'll personally hide you from them. *wink* 
If the threat of their imminent deaths wasn’t enough for Johnny Depp to have his two Yorkshire Terriers flown first class out of Australia, the actor could now face a lengthy jail sentence for illegally bringing the animals into the country.

On Monday, an Australian Senate committee was told that if the incident ends up in court and Depp is found guilty, he could be sentenced to as long as 10 years in jail, or be forced to pay a fine of up to $265,000.
Earlier this month, the Pirates of the Caribbean star got into trouble for flying his two pets Pistol and Boo into the country on a private jet, breaking strict quarantine laws in the country.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that an investigation into the incident concluded that the dogs were not declared and were only discovered to have travelled to Australia after they were taken to a local groomer.

Barnaby Joyce, the Australian Minister for Agriculture, sensationally threatened to euthanize the pups if Depp didn’t get them out of the country within 50 hours.
“If you start letting movie stars — even though they've been the sexiest man alive twice — to come into our nation (with pets), then why don't we just break laws for everybody?” he said.
“Mr Depp has to either take his dogs back to California or we're going to have to euthanise them. It's time that Pistol and Boo buggered off back to the United States.”

This people should stop this joke o. You want to jail johnny Depp for ten year? That means they will be no film for me to watch in ten years? 

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