Saturday 23 May 2015

OH No! Bobbi Kristina Will Be Removed From Life Support Today And Allowed To Join Her Mother

So sad! A mother and daughter going out the same way! This child must have had a very banged up childhood, to end up like this. I feel so sorry for her. Bobbi Kristina, Whitney Houston's daughter, who has been on life support for some months now is set to be removed and let go today. 

She was found faced down in a bath tub in her apartment some months back. She has been in a medically induced coma since, as a major part of her brain remained dead and unresponsive. MTO is reporting that, her family has accepted her fate, and is prepared to let her join her mother. 
 This weekend Bobbi Kristina is expected to meet her mother Whitney. spoke with TWO SEPARATE SOURCES within the Brown family, who told u sthat the ENTIRE FAMILY is being summoned to Bobbi Kris bedside. This is NOT rumors, it's FACTS.
We're told that all life support will be removed from Bobbi Kris, and she'll be allowed home. They expect Bobbi to be released from this world as early as today But DEFINITELY before the weekend is over.
Our condolences for the entire Brown family. Bobbi Krs fought a HARD FIGHT . . . but it's time to send her home to her OTHER FAMILY!!.

I can't imagine what they are going through now. 

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