Thursday 21 May 2015

Mother Disgraces Her Thirteen Year Old Daughter Who Poses As Nineteen On Facebook

This is good for her! How can you be 13 and posing as 19, and telling guys you're a freak? A freak? What Does that even mean?
When a Colorado mother discovered that her 13-year-old daughter has been pretending to be 19 on Facebook and posing for pictures in lacy lingerie, she shot a video to publicly shame the girl for her actions.
The recording clocking it at 5 minutes, 40 seconds, shows Val Starks berating her daughter and forcing her to admit that she is a just a kid who still watches the Disney Channel, doesn’t wear makeup and owns no sexy underwear.

Starks posted the video on her Facebook page Sunday, and it instantly went viral. By Wednesday night, it has racked up more than 10.6million views and 313,000 shares.

'You're 13,’ Starks, a cosmetology student from Denver, tells her daughter in the video. 'So why does your Facebook page say that your 19? Are you 19?'
'No,' the girl replies, standing with her arms folded across her chest in the front yard of her mother’s home.
'And are you a freak?' Starks inquires of her daughter, to which she quietly replies, 'No.'
'So you're 13, we've established in the last few seconds that you're not a freak, that you don't sit at home with your bra on, you don't wear makeup, you don't take pictures like that, you don't have no lace panties, you barely know how to wipe your a** good, don't you... but you're a freak?’ Starks demands of her daughter, referring to something the girl apparently had written on her Facebook page.
‘So tell them that you're 13, you're not a freak and you don't know how to wipe your a** good,’ Starks commands the girl.
As the visibly embarrassed teen breaks down in tears, her mother says: 'Don't cry now. You wasn't crying when you was posting pictures on Facebook, was you? In a bra, or some little girl in some lace panties you know you don't own. You still wear panties that say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

'You still have a bedtime,' Starks says. 'Tell them you still watch Disney Channel.'
She then forces the 13-year-old to say into the camera that she has to be in bed by 10pm every day, that she still watches children’s shows on TV and does not dress in lace lingerie.
‘To everybody out there who's her friend... I want all of you to know she watches Disney Channel, she has a bedtime, she doesn't sit around in bra, she doesn't own any lace panties and she doesn't know how to wipe her butt good at 13,’ Ms Starks sums up.
The mother then sent a message to all the men her daughter allegedly had been communicating with on Facebook: ‘She's a kid and she's gonna stay a kid. And as long as she's under my roof, she's gonna do what I say.’
The video concludes with Val Starks saying that her daughter will spend the entire summer grounded without access to television or the Internet, with only books to keep her entertained. 
‘You’re gonna sit all summer long and think about how you'll never be on Facebook again,’ Ms Starks tells the sobbing teen. 'Say, “Bye, Facebook!”’
Most of the people who have left comments on Starks’ page praised the single mother for her no-nonsense, tough-love parenting style.
Christina Cabrera Quiles wrote: ‘Great parenting, way to her whose boss and your [sic] not tolerating that.’
Another user, Lisa Michelle White, commented: ‘Praise to you for giving a dam about your child. I feel pride seeing someone else who is working hard to raise a beautiful child the way we where [sic] raised.’
But some users questioned Starks’ unorthodox approach, suggesting that there was no need to publicly humiliate the girl.
Krystal Lewis wrote: ‘I am pissed... A parent should discipline their damn child privately instead of publicly humiliating them! ANY PARENT THAT DOES THIS ISNT A GOOD PARENT! I f***ing hate parents like this! This is why children rebel and other s***!’
In an interview with 7News, Val Starks said she was astonished when one day she came upon suggestive photographs featuring her underage daughter on the girl’s Facebook page.
‘She's had issues with Facebook in the past, at least four times in the past,’ Starks said. ‘She spent half of last summer on punishment after being on Facebook, and it wasn't even half as bad."
Responding to her critics, Starks said she has explained to her daughter that her decision to videotape their confrontation and share it with the world came from a place of love and concern for her safety.
‘I am her mother before anything. I am not her friend. I am not here to let her do whatever she wants,’ she said. ‘My job is to raise her — sometimes that takes a little bit of tough love.’
As for the hapless 13-year-old girl, Starks said she is not mad at her for publicly shaming her and forcing her to delete her Facebook account.
'Next time she thinks about Facebook, she's going to remember this day,’ Val Starks stated.

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