Wednesday 20 May 2015

African-American Genius Gets Accepted into All Ivy League School, But Goes To Alabama University Instead

Well, I don't know if this boy just made the worst decision of his life. Who turns down ivy league schools and goes to Alabama? MTO is reporting that: An African American GENIUS just made a very BIZARRE decision. Ronald Nelson was accepted into EVERY Ivy League University (Harvard, Yale and ALL the rest). He was also accepted to Stanford, Johns Hopkins, New York University, Vanderbilt, and Washington University in St. Louis. He was also accepted to the University Of Alabama.

In each of the schools he was offered either financial aid, but only Alabama offered him a FULL SCHOLARSHIP.
So Ronald and his family were faced with a choice — stretch their budget and potentially take on debt for a brand-name school, or GRADUATE COLLEGE DEBT FREE.
Well Ronald made his choice - and he didn't choose any of THOSE SCHOOLS TOP LEVEL schools. Instead he chose the University of Alabama. He decided to pass on these big names in favor of UA because he got into its selective honors program and it was FREE.
We're sure that the YOUNG MAN will be doing FINE IN LIFE . . . and we CAN'T KNOCK his choice.

I think he should have just taken the chance. You never can tell what would happen along the way. You can't keep playing safe all the time. Anyways wish him good luck. 

1 comment:

  1. Well he has self confidence in himself no matter the college he would make it.


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